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(Bob Goldstein, David Shire)
Epic 9617
No. 2 November 23, 1963
The Village Stompers were Dick Brady, Ralph Casale, Don Coates, Frank Hubbell, Mitchell May, Joe
Muranyi, Al McManus, and Lenny Pagan–an eight-man band of Dixieland dusters. One was a music
teacher by day, two had college degrees in music, and collectively, they claimed to have worked with
almost every notable Dixieland jazz group of the period. Recording as Frank Hubbell & The Hubcaps,
one subset of the Stompers had “Broken Date” issued on BOB CREWE’s Topix label.
The Stompers were Big Apple-based and got their new name from gigging in the Greenwich Village
area. As the VILLAGE Stompers--named for Greenwich Village, their gigging turf in the Big Apple–
they were arranged, produced and “originated” by Epic staff artist Joe Sherman. Joe was known to
the public at-large for creating such tunes as “Anything Can Happen Mambo,” “Graduation Day,” Perry
Como’s “Juke BoiL Baby, Nat “King” Cole’s “Rambling Rose,” and the theme for the Yvvette Mimieurt:
Toys In The Attic
(1963). “Washington Square,” the Stompers first 45 bright and bouyant horn
blaster, was named after the large park smack-dab in the middle of the Village. Two of the next batch
of 45s–“From Russia With Love” (#81, 1964) and “Fiddler On The Roof” (#97, 1964)–charted, and the
unit’s first LP,
Washington Square
(1963), sold well.
The act–with ever changing line-up–recorded with such diversity, “Murmurio,” “Haunted House
Blues,” “Don’t Think Twice It’s Alright.” Despite the lack of further chart success, the Village’s dixie
doodlers continued to record for the Epic label through 1967.
Said Sherman in ’65 of his invention, what he called “Folk Dixie” music, “The Village Stompers are
just beginning to explore the possibilities of Folk-Dixie’s sound. We feel it’s bound to be here as long
as there is folk music and jazz.”
COPYRIGHT 1997 Wayne Jancik